For more information contact, Sandra Regenye 609-204-1628

You’ve asked how you can help.
Your help is needed to support the team at JSWC who support the Moms, Dads and unborn babies.
Anything you can do to help is immensely appreciated…your time, prayers or donations. Any questions call JSWC – 609.568.6551 or Sandy Regenye @ 609-204-1628.
Jersey Shore Women’s Center’s most needed List:
Diapers (all sizes), Pull-ups (size 2T-6T), baby wipes, diaper rash cream, baby shampoo, baby lotion, Thermometers, Humidifiers, Nasal Aspirators, Dreft (baby laundry detergent). Pack-n-play sheets, Gift Cards: Uber, Walmart, Wawa (gas), Amazon. New infant car seat, New toddler car seat with harness. Formula – (please ONLY these specific brands as pediatricians will only allow), like ENFAMIL – Yellow label, Nutramigen or Gentlease. You can drop items off here at church, at the Center on 335 E. Jimmie Leeds.
Thank you for your support

We encourage the faithful in South Jersey to take action against proposed legislation that seeks to overturn the Hyde Amendment which has prohibited, for 45 years, the use of taxpayer money in funding abortions.
The faithful may read more about the issues at hand and sign an online petition at:
As you are well aware the Church and her values are under attack at this time in history and we must call upon our people to respond loudly. In addition to signing the online petition, direct letter-writing campaigns to our Senators and Representatives are also encouraged. The addresses for the Representatives and Senators that represent South Jersey are:
Senator Robert Menendez
528 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-4744
Senator Corey Booker
717 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-3224
Representative Donald Norcross
2427 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 205-6501
Representative Jeff VanDrew
331 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-6572