Mass & Confession Schedule           Ministry Schedule           Bulletin

For information, contact Jim & Kathy Revelle: 609-641-1480 ext. 7


 A number of parishes and pastors have contacted the Bishop’s Office asking whether or not a collection will be requested to support refugees fleeing Ukraine and those left behind. At the present time, the USCCB has not made such a request from all Bishops.  Bishop Sullivan asks that those who wish to give do so through Catholic Relief Services. CRS is on the ground at the borders helping refugees and in various parts of Ukraine assisting those in need. Donations may be made by phone at 1-877-HELP-CRS or online by using this link

Another way to help is to encourage OPERATION RICE BOWL – a portion of funds raised in this program will be used to support feeding programs for Ukrainian refugees and, through Caritas Ukraine, those who cannot escape the country.

Social Action will be open on Mondays from 9 to 12. Ring the doorbell in the back and someone will come out to you.

If you need something please call: Phone: 609-641-1480 Extension 7. Leave a message and someone will get back to you.

If you know of someone in need, please contact us.

Loaves and Fishes is the first FULL weekend of the month. Example: If the first of the month falls on a Sunday, the collection would take place the following weekend.

Plates for Christ will be given out to the needy on Mondays 9-12. Parishioners may drop off meals to the Parish Center, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9-12. If you know of any shut-ins who would appreciate home cooked meals, please contact the Center.

We are not accepting any clothes or household items at this time because of our limited space. We will be asking for specific items for needy families.

Baby items are always welcome.

Walkers, Wheelchairs, Shower Seats, Canes, and Crutches are available for loan. We have plenty in storage. 

Every act of kindness to others is an act of kindness to Christ.

The Social Action Committee offers services to those in need of food, clothing, shelter, and visitation. We encourage parish involvement with ministry projects. At this time, due to Covid, we are only able to accept food and gift card donations.

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