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Catechetical Sunday was September 17, 2023

Father Nilsen commissioned our catechists at the 10 am family Mass with a special homily and blessing for all parents and guardians as their children’s primary catechists and the entire congregation as we are all called to the mission of catechesis. 

 The Mass was followed by a “meet and greet” with continental breakfast in the Hall. Each catechist, including RCIA and Youth Ministry, Adult Formation, and the leader of Women Walking with Jesus had a table with information about their plans this year. Father Nilsen and our pastor, Father Cosme greeted the families and the children showed some of their art work. Banners were hung on all the windows of our Religious Ed building.

It was a beautiful day

PREP's Calendar

Office Hours

Monday – Thursday   9am – noon

Friday, Saturday, & Sunday closed

Parish Catechetical Leader: Diane Keenan

For information, contact
Toni Hendricks:

Our Mission

In partnership with parents/guardians and through the witness of our parish family;
our catechists teach and form students in the Catholic faith.

The goal is to raise holy children who know and love God, in order to share Him with the world.

Our primary purpose is to create and develop a parish full of disciples.

Our catechists teach students to know about God for the purpose of knowing God in their heart. 

Year- round family events and liturgical services are essential components in our formation program. 
We combine an age appropriate curriculum with fellowship opportunities, hoping to foster lifelong memories in a loving environment.


No classroom sessions on the following dates:

  • All Saints Weekend – Sunday October 29 – Attend Saints Museum in Hall!
  • Thanksgiving Week –   Sunday November 26
  • Christmas Eve – Sunday December 24 
  • New Year’s Eve – Sunday December 31
  • Martin Luther King Jr. –  Sunday January 14
  • President’s Day – February 18
  • Palm Sunday –  March 24
  • Easter Sunday –  March 31

In the event of any additional and last minute closings,
we will contact you by e-mail and post on the Facebook group for PREP.

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