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During the Fall of 2022, the Diocese of Camden,
will present a six week program to explain the Catholic Mass. 

Ending on the weekend of the Solemnity of Christ, King of the Universe. 

“[the program] is designed to benefit Catholics at every place in their spiritual journey, whether they were born into the faith or newcomers, young or old, active or fallen away from the Church”, says Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia Father Robert Hughes

The “Understanding the Mass” series consists of 6 documents:

Part 1: The Introductory Rites  Click for more details

During this stage, the document reminds us that Mass begins when you are sent from Mass the previous Sunday, as everything you do during the week is preparation for the coming Sunday; and then it explains the prayers and actions, such as genuflection, procession, participation in the opening song, the act of penance, Gloria and opening prayer or collect.

Part 2: The Liturgy of the Word  Click for more details

Explains the Ministry of Lector; the First and Second Scriptural readings, the Responsorial Psalm, the proclamation of the Gospel, the homily, the Profession of Faith and the Prayers of the Faithful.

Part 3: Preparation of the Altar Click for more details

Details the proper setting of the altar table with specific vessels and clothes, their names and places on the table, the collection and presentation of the gifts, prayers over the gifts and the Washing of Hands.

Part 4: The Preface and Eucharistic Prayer Click for more details

Discusses the singing/speaking of the Preface, the Sanctus, the Epiclesis, the Memorial Acclamation, the Great Doxology and the Amen.

Part 5: The Rite of Communion Click for more details

Explains the Our Father, Rite of Peace, Fraction, Agnus Dei, Communion Procession and Song, and how to properly receive the Eucharist and Precious Blood.

Part 6: The Dismissal Rites Click for more details

Details the Prayer after Communion, the Concluding Rites, the Final Blessing, the Dismissal and the Concluding Procession, as well as the importance of sacred music, liturgical colors and incense.

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