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Seton Absecon

Seton Absecon

A Christian Community on the move.

6 days ago

Calling all Youth Performers & Helpers!We have a few opportunities to perform, help behind the scenes, and serve our church (great for Lenten almsgiving!) coming up.Teen (& tween) Stations of the Cross - Friday, April 3rd from 7:00-7:45 pmTeens can read or dress up and bring each station to life as we meditate on the journey of Christ in his final moments. We will have one short rehearsal prior to performing (TBD), meet at 6:00 pm the night we present.Children's Stations of the Cross with Mrs. Keenan - Friday, April 11th at 4:30 pmLet us know if you want to read or dress up; meet at 4:00 pm on the day we present! This is a great opportunity for children of ALL ages!Divine Mercy Play with Ms. Susan - Sunday, April 27th at 12:45 pmThere will be a variety of roles assigned, but students may help behind the scenes also.Tentative Rehearsal Schedule: Sat 4/12, 10am-12pmSun 4/13, 11am-1pm (pack lunch)Sat 4/19, 10am-12pmSat 4/26, 11am-1pm (pack lunch)Sun 4/27, Performance at 12:45pm (arrival TBD)Message on facebook/IG or email if you are interested! ... See MoreSee Less
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7 days ago

3rd Sunday of LentExcerpts from the English translation of Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation, (ICEL); excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, ICEL; All rights reserved. Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License # A-734915. All rights reserved. ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Have you seen the beautiful Easter display in the gathering space? Please help us with Easter Cards for our Communion calls, Shut-ins and Group Home Residents.Due back by April 13th!! Thank you for your continued generosity and kindness to help the Social Action Committee!#setonabsecon #setonabseconsocialaction #socialaction #setonabseconcares #dioceseofcamden #camdendiocese #SouthJerseyCatholics ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

The Clergy Corner as taken from the 3/23/25 bulletin:The Stations of the Cross are one of the most popular devotional items during the Season of Lent. Traditionally held on Fridays, they follow the path, meditating and praying on the way that Jesus walked on Good Friday, from being condemned to death by Pilate, up to his being laid in the tomb. There are several different approved forms of the Stations, each one carrying a special meaning or significance of how Our Lord’s Way of the Cross is portrayed. If you’ve never been to the Stations of the Cross before, or maybe it’s been a while, try to take the time to go during the Season of Lent to enrich your understanding of Christ’s passion and death. That Stations can also be prayed at home and even are a popular devotion that is prayed every Friday throughout the year, and not just during Lent. St. Pope John Paul II had a great devotion to them and prayed them year-round. The Stabat Mater can be sung from Station to Station, as a reminder of how much Our Lady suffered when Our Lord was nailed to the Cross. A plenary indulgence is also attached to the Stations of the Cross, so if we pray them and go to Confession, receive the Eucharist in a state of grace, pray for the pope, and are detached from sin, all temporal punishment for sin is washed away. Whatever popular devotion we choose, as we near the halfway point of Lent already, let us continue to focus on prayer, fasting and almsgiving during the season in preparation for Easter, and for the repentance of our sins. Peace, Fr. Nilsen #setonabsecon #setonabseconcorner #clergycorner #southjerseycatholics #dioceseofcamden #camdendiocese ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

*Clergy Corner from last week did not post!*The Clergy Corner as taken from the 3/16/25 bulletin:In this week’s Gospel the transfiguration of Jesus offers a glimpse into his divine glory, revealing his identity as the Son of God to Peter, James, and John as a powerful affirmation of his mission and the hope of our ultimate transformation in him. Jesus climbs a mountain to pray, signifying the importance of solitude and deep communion with God. This moment of prayer becomes the catalyst for the manifestation of his divine nature.Jesus’ appearance is transformed, his face shining with heavenly light, reminiscent of Moses face after encountering God on Mount Sinai. This visual representation signifies the divine presence within Jesus. The appearance of the Old Testament prophets, Moses, and Elijah the prophets, further confirms Jesus as the fulfillment of the Scriptures. Their conversation highlights the continuity between the old and new covenants. The voice from heaven declaring “This is my son” reinforces Jesus’ divinity, offering a moment of profound revelation for the disciples. The Transfiguration foreshadows the glory of the resurrected Christ, which is present in the Eucharist, allowing us to partake in his divine life. Despite the glimpse of his heavenly glory, Jesus’ imminent suffering and death are foreshadowed, reminding us to remain steadfast in our faith even during challenging times. Personal reflection questions: - How does this passage inspire us to deepen our relationship with God through prayer and contemplation? - How can we incorporate the message of Christ’s divine glory into our daily lives? - What are some of the challenges in our lives where we need to rely on the strength of Christ’s transfiguration to persevere? Jesus’ divine glory is revealed in the Transfiguration through faith. We are called to carry this light of Christ into the world through our words and actions in every aspect of our lives.Peace,Deacon Rich#setonabsecon #setonabseconcorner #clergycorner #southjerseycatholics #dioceseofcamden #camdendiocese ... See MoreSee Less
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