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Click the link above to submit your answers to our Synod Survey. The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Synod Committee carefully chose the following discussion questions to gather information that will be shared with all levels of the Synod, led by Pope Francis. A full list of questions is available on our website if you wish to go over them before you reply to these. These questions were asked at our in-person meetings to spark discussion, and now we invite anyone who was not able to make it to the meetings, or anyone with anything to add, to please complete this form so we can hear from you. 

Pope Francis is holding a General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops — but they’re starting locally first! 

Sunday, November 14th at 11 AM in the Hall
Thursday, November 18th at 6:30 PM in the Church 

Our parish will be holding these meetings to receive information and allow for our community to participate. The synod wishes to receive feedback from all members of the community; active, inactive, lapsed, Protestants, and even Atheists. We encourage members of our parish to reach out to friends, family, and other acquaintances to inform them of this synod. We welcome their feedback, either relayed through you, or directly from them. 

Meetings will be 30 to 60 minutes long and will include targeted questions related to the Church and its mission. Members of the synod committee will be collecting this feedback at sharing it with the Diocese, who in turn will share it with Rome. The purpose of these meetings is to listen to our community!

XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Activities

What is a synod? A synod is a fancy word for meeting. It emphasizes the need for active
participation in sharing information. By speaking and listening, participants are invited to share
their stories and together uncover the movement of the Holy Spirit in their midst. The Holy Spirit
has the power to reveal that which leads us to holiness and that which remains an obstacle to
holiness – both need to be known.

hat is the goal of the synod? The primary goal is to help the Church become more synodal; more communicative. Our modern world provides countless ways for people to communicate but at the same times requires new ways of proclaiming the Gospel – the Good News that God in Jesus took on flesh, suffered, died, and was raised from the dead to give meaning to our lives and the hope of life eternal. How are we as members and how is the Church Universal making that proclamation? What needs to happen to spread the Good News in the world today?

How is St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish participating?
Our parish will be holding a variety of meetings to receive information and allow for our community to participate. On Sunday, November 14th at 11 AM (after the 10 AM mass) we will be holding a meeting the in hall for parishioners to share their thoughts. Another meeting will be held on Thursday, November 18th at 6:30 PM in the church. These meetings will be 30 to 60 minutes long and will allow parishioners to provide their feedback to several questions related to the Church and its mission. Additional meetings will be scheduled to receive feedback from existing groups within the parish. Members of the synod committee will be collecting this feedback at sharing it with the Dioceses, who in turn will share it with Rome. The purpose of these meetings is to listen to our community.

To prepare for the meeting, reflect on the questions posted above.

The synod wishes to receive feedback from all members of the community; active, inactive, lapsed, Protestants, and even Atheists. We encourage members of our parish to reach out to friends, family, and other acquaintances to inform them of this synod. We welcome their feedback, either relayed through you, or directly from them.

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